PEP Scholarship
Personalized Education Program (PEP)
As of July 1st, 2023 PEP went into effect in the state of Florida as a new school choice option. This program offers each homeschooled child about $8,000 each school year to be used toward eligible educational expenses.
For more info and to apply for this scholarship, go to:

We offer informative consultations to answer your questions about PEP, explain the requirements/eligibility, and more, so that you can make the best decision about if you want to apply for PEP for your child or not. Click the link below to book a consultation today!
Looking for an approved end-of-year norm-referenced standardized assessment for Step Up for Students (SUFS) Personalized Education Program (PEP) scholarship that your child can take online in the comfort of your home?
Look no further! We've got you covered at PEP Testing!
Best of all, parents can proctor tests themselves!
Florida has 4 main school choice options to meet each child's needs
Public School
Private School (Scholarship Available)
Home Education under your county school district
PEP - Homeschooling with $7,500 under Step Up For Students
Option 3 and 4 are for homeschoolers. Each option has different annual testing/evaluation requirements, so be sure to make sure that you understand the differences before deciding which homeschooling path to take.
Home Education under your county school district:
Typically, parents choose to have a certified teacher do a portfolio evaluation. Although there are other options available to meet the annual requirement.
PEP, Personalized Education Program
Parents must have their child take an approved norm-referenced end-of-year standardized assessment. I offer approved PEP standardized tests that can easily be taken at home from the comfort of home on a computer or tablet and proctored by the parent. Also, the parent must fill out a student learning plan each year which is a simple online form indicating any areas of weakness/strength of their child.
Unique Abilities Scholarship
There also is another scholarship available to homeschool students who have an eligible disability. The Unique Abilities Scholarship is also offered by Step Up For Students. For more info or to apply for the UA scholarship click below.