Homeschooling in High School
Homeschooling in
High School
Don't let homeschooling through high school overwhelm you or leave you stuck in analysis paralysis. With the right tools and support, you can successfully navigate these important years! Book a 1-hour consultation today to gain the confidence and clarity you need to empower your journey! Click here to book your consultation.

Sample Florida High School Course Progression
Most colleges and universities require minimum PERT scores in order to dual enroll. Here are some PERT exam study guides and practice tests:
America The Story of Us FREE Study Guide Printables - Want a U.S. History class that's designed by the History Channel? Watch the 12 episodes for free on Amazon Prime Video + print off the study guide material for free to use along with the videos! This would make a great homeschool class for even a co-op!
Florida Bright Future's Scholarship will cover up to a Bachelor's degree.
Homeschoolers need minimum college test scores and volunteer hours to be eligible.
Gold Seal Vocational - PERT
PEP Scholarship will allow up to $24,000 to be rolled over, which these funds can be used after high school graduation toward college, vocational/tech school, university, etc.